Reasons to Vote Donald Trump for President in 2016 Reasons to Vote Donald Trump for President in 2016

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Reasons to Vote Donald Trump for President in 2016

“For the first time in a long time, this November will give Americans a clear choice on perhaps the most important issue facing our country and our civilization: whether we remain a nation-state that serves its own people, or whether we slide irrevocably toward a soulless globalism that treats humans as interchangeable widgets in the world market.” -Jeff Sessions

These are the reasons you should vote for Donald Trump in 2016:
1.      Jobs & Salaries:
Trump has created over 34,000 jobs in his lifetime. He knows the economy. He will bring back jobs to America and increase salaries. How? The US corporate tax rate is currently the highest in the developed world. It is the reason companies like Apple have fled the US. Trump is proposing to lower our corporate tax from 39.1% to 15%. This would make our corporate tax lower than every major developed country in the world, except Switzerland (15%) and Ireland (12.5%). Switzerland ranks #2 in the world for per capita GDP (basically measures money / person). Ireland ranks #5. Ireland's GDP grew by an astounding 26.3% in 2015! Comparatively? Last year, the US grew by a miserable 1.3%. Ireland's GDP grew by companies like Apple relocating there, which results in windfall tax revenue for Irish citizens and more jobs as those businesses hire local people. 
More companies relocating back to America, means more competition for workers and increased salaries. Companies will return here over Ireland/Switzerland, because the US has the infrastructure that rivals no other.

Trump’s income tax reductions will also greatly benefit small businesses - helping generate jobs in every sector of the economy.

The backs this up - Trump’s plan would create over 2 million jobs more than Hillary Clinton’s plan. It would dramatically increase our GDP.

Table 1. Economic Impact of Trump and Hillary's Plans
Trump's Plan
Clinton’s Plan
Full-time Equivalent Jobs
Capital Investment
Wage Rate
In addition to his tax cuts, Trump has other proposals that will dramatically improve our economy:
Do you really want another 4-8 more years of this?

2.        Taxes - Trumps' tax plan will reduce taxes for everyone in America. His plan: 
Table 2. Single and Married Tax Rates

Single Earning
Married Earning
Current Tax Rate
Trump’s Tax Rate

Trump's plan more than doubles the standard deduction for single and married couples. This is huuuge for low income and middle class families! This results in the actual tax savings below:

Table 3. Single Tax Rate (Actual)

Single Earning
Current Actual Tax Rate (Single)
Trump’s Actual Tax Rate (Single)
$ Gained / Year (Single)

Table 4. Married Tax Rate (Actual)

Married Earning
Current Actual Tax Rate (Married)
Trump’s Actual Tax Rate (Married)
$ Gained / Year (Married)

For a married couple making $75,000 / year, how nice would it be to take home an additional $4,000 / year just by voting for Trump? The upper-middle class take home even more! 

Small businesses making around $250k / year are also greatly helped by these lower taxes.
  • Obamacare taxes repealed
  • Childcare - $5000 tax deduction for up to 4 children / elderly
  • Death Tax repealed 
     3.      Healthcare

Our healthcare costs have been skyrocketing. This year, rates are set to increase by an average 21% nationally or more. Some areas are seeing 75% increases or more!

So what is causing this? This is due to Obamacare’s exponentially increasing taxes on medical device companies, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, which get passed on to consumers.
It is also due to the mandatory coverage requirements, which are putting people out of work by driving companies out of business. In 2017, many parts of the country will have only 1 carrier providing healthcare.

Bill Clinton calls Obamacare/Hillarycare “the craziest thing in the world!” It was designed to drive up costs and destroy the private healthcare system, in order to allow the government to force universal healthcare on us and gain power over 17% of our economy. Hillary admits she wants to expand the system and turn it into the universal healthcare the American people rejected when Bill Clinton was in office.
While universal healthcare sounds great, we still end up paying for it through taxes – it’s not free. It would also lead to impossibly long lines for simple treatments, due to the inevitable shortage of doctors (Canada takes 4 weeks for an ultrasound, 10.4 weeks for an MRI, etc.). With doctor and budget limits, universal healthcare also means death panels are a given. Government would take away people's freedom to choose their own doctor and when to live or die. No thanks!
Trump has a better plan:
  • Repeal and replace the (Un)Affordable Care Act with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), giving freedom back to the people

  • Allow people to purchase insurance across state lines, in all 50 states, creating a dynamic market and driving down costs through competition. 
  • Block grant money back to the states so the people are free to decide how to spend on Medicaid programs

Mike Pence says it all:

      4.      The Supreme Court
Our next president will likely have the power to decide how the Constitution is interpreted for the rest of our lives. This may be the most important issue of the election. With Antonin Scalia passing away, he left a void of only 8 of 9 justices on the Supreme Court. These justices are considered to be equally divided between liberal judges that use their own ideologies to form their opinions and conservative judges that strictly interpret the Constitution.
More importantly, the average age a justice retires is 78 – three of the remaining eight members are over 78 years old. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has already hinted she would resign. A clear liberal or conservative majority would have major ramifications for our rights.
What impact would a more liberal Supreme Court have?
1.      Second Amendment Rights = Gone – In 2008, Scalia was the tie-breaking vote in District of Columbia vs. Heller. A citizen’s rights to bare arms would have been outlawed, without him. Hillary said, “the Supreme Court was wrong.”
2.      14th Amendment – End birthright citizenship
3.      First Amendment - Free Speech – In Morse v. Frederick, 2007, the conservative justices voted against allowing a student
4.      More frivolous Class Action Lawsuits – cases like Comcast v. Behrend, prevented frivolous class action lawsuits

Where Donald Trump sees “law and order”, Hillary sees dollar signs. 
This election will determine who gets to choose the rule of law for the next 30+ years.
Donald Trump is the only real choice.

5.      National Debt
The US national debt is at a critical level. The national debt has almost doubled under Obama – more than every other President combined. If we keep spending like we have, we may be bankrupt within 10 years.
So why worry about the national debt and the country going bankrupt? In Greece, unemployment is now over 25%. Socialist Venezuela collapsed and their currency is now worthless. Venezuelans are now resorting to eating garbage, zoo animals and even cannibalism to survive!

Donald Trump's tax plan will slow the increase grow the economy by almost 7%, which will increase tax revenues. That amount would be enormous.

Trump’s major budget proposals:
  • Repeal Obamacare - taxes 1/6 of our economy and drives up costs for all Americans. It is also estimated to directly cost the federal government ($94B / year).
  • Cut the EPA and the Department of Education (~$200B / year)
  • Ask for major cuts before debt limit increases

In contrast, Hillary’s budget proposals will add to the national debt:
Donald Trump is the only candidate who will do anything to eliminate entitlements that will help slow the national debt increase.

      6.      Immigration

Illegal immigration is one of the most expensive challenges facing our economy today. The US already allows over a million legal immigrants every year -  the most in the world. Our nation was founded on the principles of immigration …legal immigration. Legal immigrants take an oath to remain faithful to our country. They pay taxes to build out our infrastructure, helping America stay great for future immigrants. 

Illegal immigrants pay almost nothing. Illegal immigrants could choose to go through the process of becoming American citizens, but they do not. Why? Why would they. They already receive free healthcare, free education, free college education, free food, free money and free housing. It cost the US 1.87B$ last year just to jail illegal immigrants!

Our country was established through many hard fought wars with England, France, Spain, Mexico, etc. that have set the borders we have today. Hillary Clinton’s dream is to destroy our borders and everything that Americans have fought for to make this country great. Our borders have allowed us to create a system of government, a Republic, that gives people the rights they have today. Without these borders, our economy and our rights will be overwhelmed with illegal invaders who seek to leech off our society and take over our government through birthright citizenship (anchor babies).

The US is one of the few countries in the world that allows anchor babies. Every country in Europe forbids birthright citizenship – it is in their Constitution. It is in our Constitution too, but has never been interpreted by the Supreme Court. Donald Trump is asking for our Constitution to be upheld:

Article 14, Section 1 reads:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

“Today, we somehow have come to believe that anyone born within the geographical limits of the U.S. is automatically subject to its jurisdiction; but this renders the jurisdiction clause utterly superfluous. If this had been the intention of the framers of the 14th Amendment, presumably they would have said simply that all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. are thereby citizens.” – Edward Erler - National Review

History shows us what happens when people ignore illegal immigration. If we look at the Democracy of ancient Rome, the Roman Empire collapsed, in large part because of illegal immigration. Let us rise up and prevent this from happening to us!

Hillary/Tim Kaine have promised to legalize illegal immigrants within 100 days.
Donald Trump has pledged to secure our border and protect the country. The majority of Americans support his views on illegal immigration. This will likely be our last chance to stop the economic trainwreck of illegal immigration before the foreign invaders of this country vote America into ruin.

      7.      Childcare / Eldercare

Trump has proposed several options that will improve childcare. The biggest has to be 6 weeks of paid maternity leave (currently 0). The US ranks dead last in the world for paid maternity leave.
Here are his proposals:
  • Provide 6 weeks of paid maternity leave to new mothers before returning to work. Budget neutral - paid through unemployment insurance.
  • $5000 tax deduction for as many as 4 children and elderly dependents. Additional 7.65% tax credit for remaining expenses.

  • Health savings accounts for children and elderly relatives.
  • Provide low-income households an Expanded Earned Income Tax Credit – in the form a Childcare rebate – and a matching $500 contribution for their savings accounts.
  • Tax breaks to employers that provide childcare at the workplace.

      8.      Military
Trump is a practical businessman and was opposed to the war in Iraq. He opposed toppling the government in Libya. He wants to strengthen the military and use it as a deterrent. Trump has pledged to talk to Vladimir Putin, smash ISIS, back the cops and the vets, and  rebuild the military. 

“My rules of engagement are pretty simple. If we are going to intervene in a conflict it had better pose a direct threat to our interest- one definition of “direct” being a threat so obvious that most Americans will know where the hot spot is on the globe and will quickly understand why we are getting involved. The threat should be so direct that our leaders, including our president, should be able to make the case clearly and concisely.” – Donald Trump

Trump will be a law-and-order president who will put America first.

On the issues, I believe Trump is the best major party candidate we have had, since I have been alive. Trump is the only candidate that will actually do something to create jobs, protect our Constitutional rights, restore our healthcare system, stop illegal immigration and eliminate the rats and waste in Washington. You can take the media's bait and be distracted by non-issues or you can let Hillary continue taking bribes, sell out our principles, give away our country, erase our borders and let the rest of the world take what America has left.

Trump-Pence 2016!

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