Liars - Senators that voted against repealing Obamacare Liars - Senators that voted against repealing Obamacare

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Liars - Senators that voted against repealing Obamacare

These are your US senators that campaigned on repealing Obamacare, but voted against repealing Obamacare! Fortunately for most of these two-faced politicians, they will not be up for reelection for another 4-6 years. Remember these names when they are up for reelection.
THEN“This law is not affordable for anyone in Alaska. That is why I will support the bill that repeals the ACA and wipes out its harmful impacts."
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN"The repeal of this law will not only reduce federal spending, but it will also allow Congress to address problems within the current health care system.”
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN"I have consistently voted to repeal and replace this disastrous health care law, and I am glad that a repeal bill will finally reach the president’s desk."
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN"Obamacare was an historic mistake, and should be repealed and replaced with step-by-step reforms that transform the health care delivery system."
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN"I believe that we made - that Congress made - a real error in passing Obamacare, we should repeal the law so that we can start over."
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN“It is clear that any serious attempt to improve our health care system must begin with a full repeal and replacement of Obamacare.”
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN“[Obamacare] is fundamentally flawed. I do think we ought to delay ... and then we’ve got to repeal this thing and start over."
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
Credit to the Senate Conservatives Fund for the images and text above

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