Saturday, July 29, 2017

Liars - Senators that voted against repealing Obamacare

These are your US senators that campaigned on repealing Obamacare, but voted against repealing Obamacare! Fortunately for most of these two-faced politicians, they will not be up for reelection for another 4-6 years. Remember these names when they are up for reelection.
THEN“This law is not affordable for anyone in Alaska. That is why I will support the bill that repeals the ACA and wipes out its harmful impacts."
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN"The repeal of this law will not only reduce federal spending, but it will also allow Congress to address problems within the current health care system.”
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN"I have consistently voted to repeal and replace this disastrous health care law, and I am glad that a repeal bill will finally reach the president’s desk."
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN"Obamacare was an historic mistake, and should be repealed and replaced with step-by-step reforms that transform the health care delivery system."
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN"I believe that we made - that Congress made - a real error in passing Obamacare, we should repeal the law so that we can start over."
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN“It is clear that any serious attempt to improve our health care system must begin with a full repeal and replacement of Obamacare.”
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
THEN“[Obamacare] is fundamentally flawed. I do think we ought to delay ... and then we’ve got to repeal this thing and start over."
NOW: Voted Against Repeal
Credit to the Senate Conservatives Fund for the images and text above

Instead of donating to the RNC, you can help by donating to the Senate Conservatives Fund,  which has championed candidates to replace these traitorous, RINO snakes in Washington with true, Constitutional conservatives. Let's make America great again!

Monday, November 7, 2016

101 Reasons Not to Vote for Hillary Clinton

You undoubtedly have an opinion of Hillary Clinton by now. Good or bad – she is well known. However, what you may not know about her and her family may shock you.

These are the reasons why Hillary Clinton is one of the worst choices to become President:

Hillary famously declared that she and Bill left the White House “dead broke.” Yet for whatever reason they are given millions of dollars for paid speeches. The only thing they had to sell? Information. That amount dramatically increased when Hillary became Secretary of State (and they had power to sell?) Their combined net worth is now at least $111 million.

“The meeting was officially paid for by OCP, a Moroccan government-owned mining company that has been accused of human rights violations.
“Mohamed Yeslem Beisat, the Washington envoy for the self-described “government in exile” added, “They’re doing this because they know Hillary has some chances of being president of the United States. And they want her to support their brutal occupation of Western Sahara.

Human rights advocates have called the company’s mined phosphates “blood phosphates” — similar to the term “blood diamonds,” referring to precious stones mined in war zones and/or used to finance deadly conflicts.” - Bob Fredericks
 The Clintons also operate a non-profit organization called the “Clinton Foundation,” which had at least $439,505,295 as of 2014. This foundation is under investigation by the FBI and the IRS for potential bribery (aka “Pay-to-Play”) in which donors give the foundation money. It is believed that this was in exchange for political favors, appointments, weapons, contracts, etc. 

·         According to the Inspector General, when Hillary was in charge of the Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission in 2010 as Secretary of State, $6 billion went “missing” and never reached the poor Haitians.
·          .

  • Only 17.2% of the Clinton Foundation’s 2014 assets went to “Investments.” Everything else appears to be overhead ($6M spent on “office expenses” and $18.4M on “travel”). Hillary lied when she said “90% of the Clinton Foundation” went to charity. Are these investments even charity?
  • The Clinton foundation is also a slush fund that the Clintons use for things such as Chelsea Clinton’s wedding
  • Chelsea also used her Clinton Foundation ties to sell her husband's hedge fund to rich donors.
  • The Clinton’s gave essentially all of their “charitable donations” to the Clinton Foundation in order to avoid paying taxes. Legal… if the Clinton Foundation is legitimate.

Illegal acts:


1. Hillary Clinton illegally operated a personal server that very may well have led to the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi

     Classified information is classified, because if it falls into the hands of the wrong people, it could mean the deaths of innocent Americans. Hillary Clinton sent e-mails with the location of Ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 other Americans. Whether her e-mails were intercepted by foreign agents or not is unknown, but these Americans died shortly thereafter.

      2. Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information. Under subpoena to members of the House Judicial Committee, the Director of the FBI, James Comey, confirmed Hillary Clinton sent classified information and lied about sending it:
 “Executive Order 13526 and 18 U.S.C Sec. 793(f) and 798 of the federal code make it unlawful to send or store classified information on personal email.”

These people were indicted for the same act Hillary violated:

  •  General Petraeus, a 4 star general, shared his calendar with a reporter and plead down to 2 years probation, and a $100,000 fine
  • Stephen Kim – State Department official. Sent to prison for 13 months for leaking classified information.
  • John Kiriakou – CIA. Spent 2 years in prison and 3 months under house arrest for leaking classified information.
  • Jeffrey Sterling – CIA. Sentenced to three-and-a-half years for leaking classified information.
  • Bradley Manning – Private First Class. Sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking classified information.

3. Violated the 2009 Federal Records Act
Destruction of evidence – The FBI found Hillary Clinton used a program called “Bleachbit” to permanently erase evidence of e-mails.

Section 1236.22 of the 2009 National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison.

“The head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities. (44 U.S. Code § 3101)”

The Federal Records Act requires agencies hold onto official communications, including all work-related emails, and government employees cannot destroy or remove relevant records.

5. Violation of 18 U.S. Code § 1621 - Perjury generally
Hillary Clinton lied under oath about transmitting classified information and should be fined and/or sentenced to up to 5 years in prison.

“Having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by him subscribed, is true, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true is guilty of perjury and shall, except as otherwise expressly provided by law, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. This section is applicable whether the statement or subscription is made within or without the United States.”

       6.      Hillary Clinton stole furniture/silverware from the White House when Bill was President.

       7.      Hillary Clinton stole furniture from the State Department when she was Secretary.



  • Hillary Clinton lies. A lot. Can you trust any of her policies when she has taken both sides to all?

·         Clinton campaign appeared to blackmail(?) Bernie Sanders

·        Did the Clinton's and their accomplices commit murders to hide their crimes? This takes credibility to the extreme, but feel free to read if you got this far! With billions of dollars and power at stake, as well as blatant corruption, it is plausible.

Other DNC Campaign

Tax increases


The Supreme Court
This election will determine who gets to choose the rule of law for the next 30+ years.

Where Donald Trump sees “law and order”, Hillary sees dollar signs. 

  • Second Amendment Rights = Gone – In 2008, Scalia was the tie-breaking vote in District of Columbia vs. Heller. A citizen’s rights to bare arms would have been.  
  • More frivolous Class Action Lawsuits – cases like Comcast v. Behrend, prevented frivolous class action lawsuits
  •   Supreme Court ultra-liberal until 2055

o   “And she has stated in no uncertain terms that Russia and Iran will be militarily targeted in a Clinton presidency, and that the “nuclear option” is, as always, “on the table”
o   “There will have to be consequences for any violation by Iran and that the nuclear option should not at all be taken of the table. That has been my position consistently.” -HRC
o   “That Russia and China will pay a price. Because they are holding up progress, blockading it. That is no longer tolerable.” -HRC

Thanks for reading and hopefully I haven’t been Clinton’d by the time you finish reading this. Hope this makes you consider things on November the 8th.

Stop the corruption in Washington.

Trump-Pence 2016!